The Two Different Human Species

by kadr13 posted Nov 22, 2014


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In 100, 000 years, the human species may divide in to two. How is this so?

According to Oliver Curry, an evolutionary theorist, of the London School of Economics, people would be much more picky in choosing their sexual partners. As this trends starts to rise, the "better" people will be differentiated from the "worst".

One group will be slim, healthy, tall, fit, intelligent, etc. the characteristics many would rather have. One the other hand, what may become the lower class, will be more "ugly," less intelligent, and unhealthy, the type society is less attracted to. As the inequality of class rises, the two groups may be classified as two different species.


Is this what the human race has come to? Is this what we must strive for? Would we allow this split to take place? Ethical questions are raised as we look back at the history of racial discrimination.

What do you think??

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